

Baby's first photo shoot

Monday 21 March 2016

There’s nothing better than sitting down, relaxing, and looking back at old photos. Photographs are a perfect way to capture a memory forever, and as babies grow fast I’ve made sure to take plenty of photos of Noah since he was born to document his growth. 
Although iphone cameras are pretty good now and you can get some really good pictures, nothing can beat getting photographs taken by a professional.
When choosing a photographer -especially when babies and children are concerned- research is key. Firstly you want to look at their previous work and make sure it’s in a style you like, and secondly it’s good to look at reviews of how other people’s experience’s were.
Jules from Jules at Philter Photography created an amazing mini photoshoot for Noah. 
Jules runs her studio from her home, and the second you arrive you immediately feel welcomed. 
She really makes you feel like her home is yours, and you instantly feel relaxed! 
When it comes to the photography itself she has a clear talent and is great at getting smiles (even out of slightly grumpy babies) 
When it came to choosing which pictures to purchase it was a really hard decision as there were just so many great shots, from perfectly posed to the rare natural ones.
Overall I was really thrilled with Noah’s first photo experience, and even happier with how the pictures turned out. We will definitely be going to Jules again for any future photos and have actually planned to do a cake smash shoot for Noah’s birthday!

Noah's 11 Month Update

Friday 26 February 2016

The past Eleven months have flew by in a fast, manic blur. It honestly seems like only yesterday that Noah was born and all of a sudden I was responsible for this little life and he was all mine.
So much has changed in the last few months, and I know it'll continue to change in the following months. There's one thing I'm sure of, babies grow up far too fast!
To try and focus on all the big changes I'll go through all the standard milestones first. Although I'd always been told "Oh as soon as they're six months old they'll be crawling around the house and there'll be no stopping them" in Noah's case this couldn't be further from the truth. Noah has never really showed much interest in all of the physical things like crawling and sitting up- He didn't sit up confidently on his own till about 9 months- At the minute he is still yet to crawl and he isn't showing any intentions of learning anytime soon. He has, however, started rolling everwhere so he is now getting into everything! He is also really good at standing with just a little bit of support which he's been practicing a lot lately.
   Although he hasn't tried to crawl he loves babbling! Most days when I go to pick him up from nursery, I can hear him babbling away loudly or singing as soon as I enter the building. He's constantly trying to say new sounds and words, repeating them again and again until he gets the hang of it. At the moment his favourite words are dada, mama, nana and ta. In the last few weeks he has also begun to connect the words with the people as well which I'm so proud of. As always he's a really good eater and always devours his milk and meals with no hesitation. Every day when I look at him I see how he's starting to grow into an independent little boy and I know he's not going to be a baby much longer (although he'll always be my baby) and although it can be a bit emotional at times seeing him grow up, I'm so proud of the boy he's becoming.

Noah's Six Month Update

Saturday 24 October 2015

Hi guys, before I even start I’d just like to apologise about how long it’s been since i’ve blogged! Honestly it’s been nearly three months which there’s just no excuse for, I’ve just been so busy with Noah and starting University that I just haven’t had the time, but I’m back now and I’m going to try to blog at least once a week from now on. Although it seems like just yesterday that Noah was born I now find myself sitting here writing his 6 month update! When people tell you that the time flies and they grow up fast they really aren't joking, every day Noah changes and learns new things and it’s already getting hard to remember that little tiny baby who did nothing but eat, cry, and sleep all day long.
     Since I’ve started University Noah has started going to nursery three days a week. At first I was really nervous to leave him, I mean who wouldn’t be. Up until then I’d spent pretty much all day every day with him since he was born so it was a bit of a shock getting used to that no longer being the case. Although for a few weeks we had problems with him not really sleeping when he was at nursery (he’s always been difficult to get to sleep for anyone other than me) he’s now settled in fine and is really enjoying himself. I can honestly say that it’s the best feeling when I pick him up at the end of the day and as soon as he sees me his face lights up with a massive smile!
We started weaning about two weeks before he turned 6 months, just giving him little tastes of things. At first he wasn’t that interested in food, although he liked it he’d only one two or three spoons then be done. However it seemed like almost overnight he gained a massive appetite and he’s now eating three meals a day! So far he’s liked everything that he's tried, although he did pull the funniest face when he tried pears.
     Just a couple of days ago Noah started being able to sit up on his own, although its only for short amounts of time. He has the strength and balance to sit up on his own, but he’d rather be kicking his legs and playing with his feet so that’s what he usually does! He now has his two bottom teeth, which luckily didn’t cause him any pain when coming through and literally popped through overnight.